we flew into Phoenix and got our little rental...
we stayed our first night in a nice little retirement community in Surprise, Arizona. The next morning before we took off, I got a couple of pics...
and we're off! Interstate 10 - West to California...
random shots of the desert along the way. probably not all that interesting to y'all, but I'd never been out west - so this was all new to me.
passing through Quartzsite, Arizona... I guess they have this big gem show every year that brings tons of people into town. we stopped at the "non-gem" side... like a fleamarket sorta thing...
there was one dealer there in particular with some great asian themed stuff. lots of buddhas, kuan yens, singing bowls and other trinkets...
three wise monkeys... no wait, make that twelve wise monkeys -- "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"...
stone penises? 20 dollars??!! what a deal...
back on the road -- getting into southern california that evening...
more later in the week...
mega what?!
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