Tuesday, March 9, 2010

what I've been reading...

by request -- what I've been reading: first up, the wrap-up of Flash Rebirth... boo. I'll have to agree with my pal Gorde, "Read the last issue last night. Possibly the worst comic I've ever read in my life. I'd demand my money back if I wasn't 84% positive Jack would punch me in the face and then proceed to continue restocking his shelves. I'm not bitter.".

Punisher War Zone tpb -- Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon -- great stuff, as usual.

Spider-Woman, probably the best book you're NOT reading.

Ultimate Avengers #5 -- yes, thumbs up!

Bendis' New Avengers -- consistent goodness.

I'm still only lukewarm on The Marvels Project. still a good Golden Age fix.

Batman and Robin -- still loving this book. Grant Morrison!

went back and re-read the Mister Miracle (seven soliders mini) -- really enjoyed this the second time around... and it fits together really well with Final Crisis. yes.

Blackest Night Flash.... absolute piece of fucking shit. art, nice. story, abominable, horrible, etc. complete waste of time and money.

and a book without pictures! everybody's favorite serial killer... Dexter. this was the first novel in the series -- be warned -- it's very very similar to season one of the show. still good stuff.


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