Sunday, December 6, 2009

more comics I'm digging...

so, continuing last week's post about "comics I'm digging"... just going through the stacks (that have YET to be filed away anywhere)... here's a few months worth of titles that I'm reading these days.

penned by bendis... love that avengers story...

bendis and deodato on Dark Avengers... still fun!

I always want to like the Fantastic Four more than I actually do... nothing compares to those old Stan and Jack stories from the 60's. every time Marvel puts a new creative team on the book - I try a few. right now: Hickman and Eaglesham... so far, so good.

I have a great fondness for the Animal Man character - all due to the Grant Morrison run... this doesn't match that... but still enjoyable AND those fucking gorgeous Brian Bolland covers!

more Avengers goodness from Bendis!

The Boys is a must read for a "slap in the face" superhero reading... I've been re-reading this series in trade paperback format... vol. 3 and 4 done... onto vol. 5!

Mark Millar and Carlos Pacheco! great read!!

mega what?!
my ebay store | download Megatrip mixes

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