Sunday, December 20, 2009

comics I'm not digging too much... so, so.

so continuing on from my "comics I'm digging..." posts... and making my way through my stacks of unread comics... here's some that I find only so-so... Jack, can I have my money back?

Not a title I regularly read... only picked up Brave and the Bold #28 because of the team-up... The Blackhawks and the Barry Allen Flash... how can you go wrong? well... it was alright.

I'm only half-digging Captain America: Reborn... I had such higher hopes for this series... art is cool... the Cassady variant cover on the above issue #5 is bomb! the story just seems to be grinding and even I can figure out where this is all headed...

Fantastic Four? I'll give it another couple of issues I guess...

Up front... I am not a Blackest Night fan... but the Flash is one of my favorite characters... it was ok... thankfully only $2.99 and not $3.99...

really very boring and parts of it ridiculous... the Reverse Flash exclaiming... remember when you got pushed down the stairs as a kid... (big reveal)... THAT WAS ME!! bwahaaa! fucking please.

I know, what did I expect from re-reading these mid-80's Hex comics... mildly amusing.

Not bad... but was expecting more from The Marvels Project... not all that great.

well, I love Dark Avengers and New Avengers... but Mighty Avengers... not so much.

only picked up this Superman Annual due to the Mon-El story... not too bad... but 4 bucks... eh.

The Torch - really on the fence with this one... I'll keep going as I'm halfway through the eight issue series... 4 bucks a pop for this seems like TOO much though.

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