Wednesday, October 28, 2009

boneheads t-shirt

today's tee, from shirt.woot... Boneheads.

"But then it happens. The monsters combine like the constituent lion-bots of Voltron to form a huge, horrible death’s head right at the center of the downtown development district, and the spectacle is so scary I think my eyeballs are melting. Its teeth are squiddy tentacle-tail things. Its nasal apertures are the dead eyes of an alien Grey. I’m totally freaking out.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but it’s going to be bad, I can tell. A pan-dimensional cadre of freak-beasts does not assemble in the shape of a skull to announce Free Quesadilla Day at Sunnyside Tacos. Tell my family I loved them. Feed my fish for me.

And when all this is over, make sure my mom knows, despite any evidence the police crime scene crew discovers to the contrary, that I absolutely did wear clean underwear today, just like she always told me to."

mega what?!
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