Friday, August 28, 2009

what am I reading?

what am I reading? thanks for asking... well, actually "billy-boy" sent me a nice email asking what was good... and would I recommend anything...

so here's what I've been reading the past couple few weeks... I'm running a couple weeks behind on new comics - so missing here are the usual suspects: Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely's "Batman and Robin", Daredevil #500, etc...

so a new run of Adventure Comics? is it issue #1 or #504 - even DC can't decide as it's got both numbers on the cover... regardless - I'm giving it a try... Geoff Johns seems to hit more than he misses - plus, I'm looking forward to a Legion of Superheroes run that I can get into...

Blackest Night? maybe it's just me - because everyone else seems pretty jazzed about the series - but I'm not going any further with this one... boring the fuck out of me - and relatively stupid... what can I say? my mistake?

I'm not 100% sold on the whole Captain America Reborn thing... I wouldn't have minded if Steve Rogers stayed MIA for a couple more years - I think the book was working great with Bucky in the Cap role... regardless, it's Bryan Hitch art - so I couldn't really say "no"... hoping it improves as the series progresses.

yes - the art is beautiful! painted pages from Mauro Cascioli... but James Robinson is letting me down on the writing... I mean, every character actually crying - and yelling "Justice!" - c'mon now...

my pal Dave loves it - maybe I'll give it a go when it's all collected... for now, no more for me.

Doom Patrol? here we go again... I loved the old Silver Age Doom Patrol and of course I can't rave enough about Morrison's version... and even the Arcudi (I think it was Arcudi) series was halfway decent... but the Bryne reboot... no fucking way... and this one - I'm just not digging... I hate to give up on it after just one issue - but it didn't grab me - and these books are $$$$. sorry Keith Giffen.

I haven't really liked FF since the Lee and Kirby days... so the whole Millar/Hitch thing was working for me - even if it was blowing me away... this last issue though... seems like Millar was the only one on this story and Hitch only did cover duties... oh well. their run is over - I can't see myself continuing on.

readers of this blog have seen me rave about the current Iron Fist series (on hiatus now)... each issue of this Immortal Weapons mini-series focuses on a character from that series... this first one spotlights "Fat Cobra" --- good stuff from Jason Aaron and host of artists... good back up story too!

what? the 1985 Hex series - wherein, our gunfighting tough guy is kidnapped to the far future? yep... bought these last year from my pal down at Bedrock Comics - and I'm making my way through all 18 issues... sometimes painful!

collected edition of the first four issues of Mark Waid's "Irredeemable"... picture Superman getting fed up with everybody always expecting him to be the good guy and then turning the tables... 'LOOK OUT'! -- fun trade paperback.

new creative team on Justice Society of Amercia... cautiously optimistic...

as long as Bendis is writing Avengers - I'll keep buying it. it's that simple.

well, I lied. here's a book that came out this week. volume 12 in Ashley Wood's "Sparrow" art book series. this one featuring Sergio Toppi... absolutely beautiful! go buy this now - mandatory.

just recently picked up volume four of Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson's "The Boys" and really couldn't remember the storyline - so going back and starting with volume one... funny funny stuff.

I started reading it again on my flight from Chicago - but got a little self-conscious with the superhero blowjobs and orgies... so put it down 'till I got home! ha ha!

great to see the Ultimates (or Ultimate Avengers as it's called now) back in good hands - sorry Jeph Loeb. great action story!

Jeph Loeb - this sucks! it's like a big Marvel sanctioned piece of fan fiction... I call bullshit!

I'm a few weeks behind on Wednesday Comics - but I'd recommend this to any comics reader... fantastic! if I was some rich bastard living in a big mansion... I'd take all 12 of Paul Pope's "Strange Adventure" strips - frame them and line a hallway with them... beautiful.

Zodiac! one of the best "dark reign" tie-ins... totally unconventional cast - but what gorgeous artwork from Nathan Fox... amazing.

and the big news of course - I actually read a novel WITHOUT pictures! I started this book a couple years back and gave up... went ahead and started again a few months ago (I'm a notoriously slow reader) - but finished it up mostly on a trip out to Chicago...

real good story about Gods battling it out... and it's Neil Gaiman... pretty good chance that it's well written... recommended.

and that's what I've been reading...

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