Thursday, January 22, 2009

the Mega-Trip pics02

the continuing adventures of my week out west... pretend you care... c'mon, you can do it...

so we drive from Phonenix to southern California, wednesday afternoon/evening... thursday we head on over to Encinitas to this meditation garden... beautiful...

nice little walk, very quiet and people minding each other's space...

check out the coy fish!

palm trees...

it started clouding up just before we left the meditation gardens...

went for a walk on the beach - even with it being overcast... it's the god damn Pacific Ocean!

our living quarters for two nights... twilight is all the rage I guess...!

Friday morning - we checked out the beach again in the sunshine...

just messing around...

Friday afternoon and we're back on the road... heading to Yuma, AZ for the night...


mega what?!
my ebay store | download Megatrip mixes

1 comment:

  1. Did I know you were coming out this way? Amtrak takes us past that retreat when we head down to San Diego.
