Sunday, August 17, 2008

the batman of zur-en-arrh.

wow! grant morrisson's batman is one of my favorite books every month - but it's on fire right now... Batman R.I.P. - probably not for the newcomer - but if you go and buy a load of morrisson back issues, you will be rewarded! great story.

tony daniel's art has really stepped up a notch lately too. what a read.

now, why do I still fall for the "tie in" books like robin and nightwing.

DC Comics should refund money to anyone who bought Nightwing 147 - there was no tie in to the Batman RIP storyline at all. Two Face mentions Batman is running around crazy. that's a tie in? give me my money back!

Robin 176 - how do I say it? hmmm... how about: it was fucking dreadful... you won't get my money on the next issue guys... sorry... but hey, you got an extra 3 bucks out of me this month on a book that I never read (and I know better!)... fuckers.


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